Why Square High School and College is Different

Why Square High School and College is Different From Other School:

1. It is a non-profitable organization.
2. Maximum amounts of the learning take place in the school. To stop dependence on private tution, we complete the whole lesson in the school.
3. Extra coaching is given to the potential students after school timing.
4. We asses the student’s performance weekly and take essential initiative.
5. We meet with the parents regularly about the development of the students.
6. We have Library and Computer facilities for all students.
7. Regular class-evaluation and monitoring are performed to improve the student’s and teacher’s quality.
8. Each class consists of 25 students. So, for the fewer amount, the students get proper care.
9. We give 100% revision on each subject before exam.
10. We conduct workshop and training on regular basis for the development of the quality of the teachers.