
The institution offers the following classes:
            Junior Section: Nursery – STD-V
            High Section: STD – VI – STD-X

            College Section: STD-XI – STD-XII

Course Curriculum and Facilities:

Syllabus: – Square High School and College is an English Version Institution. We follow the National Curriculum Textbook Board of Bangladesh. Our syllabus and curriculum are carefully designed by experienced experts.

Library: – We have a rich library. A good number of books are available in our library. Such as
encyclopedia, dictionary, history, geography, grammar, travelling, biography, religion, world fables, fairy tales, novels, science and discovery etc. We also keep cassettes, records, CDs and videos on stories, fables, pronunciation, dictionary, teaching techniques etc.

Computer lab: – We have separate computer lab for the students and teachers. The use of computer starts from the middle section.

Educational Expedition: – The institution arranges educational expedition to the places of historical interest or of importance. It increases the educational excellence and refreshes the young students’ minds.


Clubs: - The students are involved in different club activities which help them flourish their inner skill.  

Academic Session: – The academic year is divided into two semesters:
            First Term: (January to June)
            Final term: (July to December)


Remedial Class: – Regular remedial classes are conducted for potential students after school hour.


Progress Report: – Subject wise class tests are taken regularly and their marks are added at the end of each terminal test. Reports of each class test, term final examination are sent to parents with comments/advice.

Medical Facilities: – A qualified physician looks after the health of our students and teaching staff. We teach students to become aware of the importance of personal hygiene.


Parents Day: – The institution will promote an environment in which parents are valued as the primary influences in their children’s life. Parents are included in decision making about their own child and about the overall early childhood program. So parents’ days are observed for the fruitful exchange of thoughts and experiences.


School Uniform: – We have designed uniforms for our students to suit different weather and seasons. The samples of summer and winter uniforms are kept on display in our office room.

Child Escort Card: – The institution authority issues child escort card that will be required at the time of picking up the children at the school gate.


Extra-Curricular Activities: – Following are the extra-curricular activities that are held from time to time to develop student’s different inherent qualities:
            Class party
            Essay writing
            Multimedia show

Admission Formalities:
Admission is held in November of each year for the new forthcoming session. Students will be taken on
the basis of admission test only in Nursery. Admission is reserved by the school authority.
Required Documents for Admission:
Passport size recent photograph 3 copies, stamp size 3 copies.
Guardian’s photograph. (3 copies each)
Transfer Certificate and Report Card from the previous school.


Grading System:       A+ = 80 – 100
                                    A = 70 – 79
                                    A- = 60 – 69
                                    B = 50 – 59

                                    C = 40 – 49
                                    F = 0 – 39
                                    F is considered as failing mark.


Weekly Holidays: Friday & Saturday